Power Hours
Need some expert guidance in your training, but don’t quite need long-term 1:1 run coaching?
Let’s grab a (virtual) cup of coffee and chat!
Power Hours are a one-hour Zoom call where we do a deep dive into YOU – your training history, running background, goals, and what’s causing you to feel stuck.
Within 48 hours of booking your Power Hour, you’ll be sent an invoice for the session. Sessions must be paid for upfront prior to our call.
After we talk, I’ll follow up with a detailed recap of our session, as well as concrete next steps for you, a custom training plan for you to execute on your own, and any additional resources I may find applicable for you. Additionally, you will have e-mail access to me for 7 days after receiving your plan for any follow-up questions and support. You can expect to receive your plan within 7-10 business days of our call.
I open a limited number of Power Hour spots per month to ensure I can make these sessions as value-packed for you as possible!

The Postpartum Runner Power Hour
For the new mom who’s eager to get back to her running routine but wants to make sure she’s doing things right. We’ll discuss your pregnancy and pre-pregnancy exercise history, how your pregnancy, labor, and birth went – as well as how the early stages of postpartum are going. I’ll talk you through a detailed return-to-running screen, and we’ll chat through a road map with clear, actionable next steps to get you strong, healthy, and back to running safely. I’ll follow up with a completely custom 8 week return-to-running program that meets you exactly where you’re starting from.
This call is ideal for women who are at least 6 weeks postpartum (or will be at the time of our call) and have received clearance from their OB to resume exercise.
Moms – please feel free to bring your baby to your session with you, and feed/breastfeed as needed! This is a welcoming space.